Thursday, March 19, 2009

A Lion Called Christian

hello my sweets, ENJOY BRAVO!

Ashley Olsen

(Protect The Human - Amnesty International) (Ashley Olsen)


A day in the life of - AEVE

Basically today i;
  • attempted to actually physically RE-SET my clock by staying up all night and sleeping the next night (as i'm fed up with waking up @ around 1 - 2 in the afternoon) Basically wasting my life away. It's an old ritual back in the days of clubbing hard - would go home in the weeee hours of the morning and sleep, then wake up at 7 in the evening, then sleep @ 5am etc etc. The key is to not sleep that night and go through the day on Redbull or something and then CRONK OUT at a sensible hour e.g. 10pm and hope that you'll wake up at a decent hour in the morning. NO LUCK SO FAR - i went to sleep @ 7am & woke up at 3pm. SUCKS!!!!

  • Woke up at around 2ish in the afternoon - had a little cardio session before actually waking up to the day. Then made the greatest grilled sandwich i've had since quiting work at the City. Swear the best sandwiches at this little bakery located in the heart of Circular Quay Station (I miss that weird dude & his worry wort you call a wife), every so often i would order my "special usual" that would be; soft french baguette, smeared cranberry sauce on both slices, with turkey slices, slices of Camembert cheese, rocket leaves, avocado & maybe artichokes. So today i decided to stop reminiscing and start eating though because i was missing some essential ingredients such as avocados, artichokes, rocket leaves and turkey slices. So technically it wasn't a complete replica of my sandwich. It had Normal white bread, cranberry sauce, camembert cheese, bean sprout sprigs, and leg ham toasted. =D With a salad on the side (I love eating healthy!!)

  • 15:45 - actually spent 5 minutes thinking about the BROWN BREAD at Outback Steak House! SWEAR i could survive on that brown bread and butter!!!! And also havn't had a Pistachio or Almond Biscotti in a million years! CRAVINGS!!!!! Huff - who here want's to fulfill my cravings?

  • CFID decided to drop by again today after work (He Smelt) jokes, but yeah t'was a good surprise. However my mood was quite, let's say "snappy" reason to is because i fell "SICK"! I guess, that's what i get for partying all weekend without rest!!! So now everything is screwed up. Can't sleep at a sensible hour or shake off this sickness any time soon. arghhh!

  • Anway's decided to lose more weight and went for a walk with CFID with my beloved Max (my mutt dog). I love my random walks with CFID and Max. So everything was fine, just walking, max peeing on everything he found, teasing how max had crap on his butt and OUT OF NOWHERE (CFID; OHH CRAP), without notice beside's CFID bantter! This black dog which was twice Max's height, decided to attack my CUTE AND AWSOME DOG. I paniced and so did CFID, the black dog decided to attack max with his teeth. I got the maddest SHITS, because i LOVE LOVE LOVE my dog!! CFID had max's leesh and tried to argently remove Max from harms way! But that STUPID BLACK DOG wouldn't leave him alone. (It's because my dogs the best). Seeing that i'm the bravest i decided to open my bottle water and try to scare the shit out of it. Once i poured the cold water on that little shit. He moved away, but tried coming back for Max. Shouted to CFID to go home whilst i distracted the ugly dog. Swear THE BRAVEST GIRL I AM! =D. But as he was headed towards Max again i moved in it's way, it decided to slightly scare me by trying to bite me. He ripped my shirt-ish, didn't show CFID but. Farout i hate wrestling dogs especially when i'm currently sick.

  • watched a little television, watched beaches, had dinner, STILL AWAKE AT 4:29AM !! arghhhh Good Morning Sleep time for me
Peace! ily-cfid!


Also; A Lion Called Christian

(eat you're heart out)

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