Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Noteworthy Individual


Facts & Wonders

Don't claim to be anything or anyone, but yourself....

1. Have you ever been in love?
Thankfully, i was blessed with remarkable people that have stepped into my life.
Many say not to regret, but speaking as one individual that has made mistakes and countless errors in judgment, there are moments in life that you'll want to change.

"Is it better to have loved and lost? Than to never have been in love or loved at all?"
Love is patience and kind and it's definitely worth pursuing.
Love has a vast influence in someones happiness.

I had a First Love, and i lost it,
I have a Great Love, and i found it and i'm never letting it go, i know i've found something good.

2. Would you ever consider saving a life, but at the expense of you're own health?
There is no question in mind that would make me think twice about saving a life of somebody i love. For a stranger, yes i have officially became a full donor of my all my organs once if for any reason i may past. It would definitely be an honor to save another persons life.

3. Have you even been in a awkward and difficult position?
Most definitely, countless times. But in the bid to be the "bigger person" i wish to conceal his or hers scandalous life and wait for karma to set in.

4. What is to you the most unscrupulous act towards another human being?
Of course this question would underline The 10 Commandments, that is a given.
The act of destroying another human beings life is the most sadistic and inhumane act i would ever know.

5. What is to you the most unscrupulous act towards yourself?
Morphing into a character that is unlike your own would definitely be an ungodly act that you could ever depict on yourself. Eleanor Roosevelt once said "people grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously. This is how character is built". Without being who you are naturally, how could you ever grow and meet life as honest to others and to ones' self. And to be able to develop you're own courage and built your own personal character, that's a life worth living. I rather find my own identity than to rather be consumed by influential subjects just to better myself for other people's opinions and to be well liked. I rather people like me for who i found myself to be, but not a product of their judgments. Influence is a major factor of yourself being, embodying someones own self is a different story.

6. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Quite frankly i would love to see myself as any human would i guess.
Raise my own family,
find the one love that you've been searching for your whole life,
be success in my career,
enjoy life to its fullest,
see the world in all it's glory.
It's simple "To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist that is all" - Oscar Wilde
Life is what you make it. As long as you are you during the process, you'll be fine.

7. What has been you're greatest misfortune?
Poignant, i know. But i would have loved to have known my Late Lolo Marcelino Martinez Mallari, my mother's father whom I've never ever met. Apparently i looked and have similar characteristic as he did.

8. To what faults do you feel most indulgent?
To be deprived of the written works of geniuses. As they are some what to the key of another parallel universe where vampires, werewolves, magic, miracles and incredible mysteries exist.

9. What is a common moral dilemma girl's of you're age come by often?
Just a quick observation, point blank girl's can be major bitches (mind my profound remark) but in all seriousness. Moral dilemma: the ability to conduct an act of pure evilness e.g. expertly judge, insult, depict any sorts of negative aspects of another person flaws or weakness in order to advantage their own sense of 'self worthiness'.

10. What do you most value in you're friends?
Having a social life is one thing, having real friends is so much better.
The most amazing trait that all my friends posses is their ability to not judge.
Judgmental individual are absolutely unflattering.
What has been done or said within reasons cannot be shamed or unforgivable in their eyes.
How you dress, what you look like should not factor on you're ability to become a true friend.

11. Are you a leader or a follower?
I personally would consider that i can be either a leader or follower. As an aspiring events director i would have to enable my leadership skills to create the best possible career. Cause lets face it without this trait, my career could be belly up by the time i graduate. As for a follower? Yeah i consider myself to be well educated by my influential muse, to able to follow their wise and experienced life lessons to ensure my life and future.

12. What has been you're greatest life experience to date?
To fall in love & to be loved by another.

13. Do you fear confrontation?
Confrontation is not worth pursuing in my eyes. Absorbing someone's point of view is more appealing. (Funny enough there's a difference). Though i'm not afraid of confrontation i just find it unnecessary, what's so appealing about a person pointing out far fetched facts?. And being discussed abruptly when a civilized conversation can be made by 2 adults without fail. If one cannot comply it's not worth my time consoling.

14. Would you try to fix what has been broken? Or would you leave it all to fate?
Try, but if i did not succeed. Fate.

15. Would you change any part of yourself?
No and yes, it's complicated.
But if yes I'll change for me not for anyone else.

16. So far has you're life cracked up to you're expectations?
So far i believe I've experienced multiple life experiences happy or sad.
"Live life to it's fullest potential and fight for you're dreams" - Ashley Smith

17. What do you have, but want more of but can't always have?
I have Christian,
But i want to always want fall asleep and wake up in his arms
but doesn't always happen...... yet that is!

18. What is the most extreme experience you've done to date?
Well, i don't live a extraordinary life so to speak but it would have to be getting a tattoo at the age of 15 or 16. Yeah that's pretty much it, oh and yeah taking a chance on particular people.

19. What physical characteristic do you have?
Well, inherited my dad's pimple-less skin and mum's eyes.
Smallest feet & hands.
Butterfly Lowerback Tattoo
Ohm Left Wrist Tattoo
Star Right Wrist Tattoo
Amor Est Vitae Essentia Collar Bone Tattoo
Garcia Right Hip Tattoo
Lovely Right Arm Tattoo
Brown Eyes
Black Hair
Small Nose
7 Piercings

20. Did you have hobbies?
Seriously, it would be reading and writing novels.
Doing laps in the pool.
Fishing with Family & Friends.
DIY Projects
Planning & Organizing Parties or Events e.g. cotillions

21. Would you consider to marry and have children at you're age?
The prospect of actually getting married and immediately start having children may be a great concept in theory. Upside you'll be able to relate more to you're children, and see them grown into parents themselves. And be there to help them raise their children, downside i don't think i would be able to support and provide them with the best possible life. Also i would want to find myself before committing to another so i could give it my all. However, mind you my parentals did a smashing job raising us girls at their tender ages.

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